Course Description:

  • This course consists of demonstrating the ability to create, analyze and brief an integrated architecture description (IAD). Participants will also complete an analysis of their IAD and brief the results to faculty as a part of their defense. Students will develop a work in progress (WIP) briefing in which they will present the status of their IAD. Students will be shown techniques for presenting enterprise architecture and how to develop specific messages for their target audience. Students will also receive knowledge on how to conduct basic analysis techniques using enterprise architecture and apply it to their IAD as a part of addressing stakeholder questions. A written report will be developed by the students as a part of providing background and findings from their analysis for non-enterprise architect audiences.

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Construct and demonstrate knowledge of a technical enterprise architecture work-in-progress (WIP) briefing. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the effective presentation of enterprise architecture models/artifacts to non-architect audiences.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of enterprise architecture through the successful completion of the certification exam.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to conduct basic visual analysis using architecture models/artifacts.